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On Fri, 2011-02-11 at 20:31 +0900, KUROSAWA, Takeshi wrote:

Here is a patch to make LibeOffice use a more commonly-used mouse cursor in GTK.

Currently LibreOffice uses GDK_HAND1 for POINTER_REFHAND and GDK_HAND2
As a result, LibreOffice uses GDK_HAND1 for hyperlinks, while many
GTK2 applications use GDK_HAND2.
# See attached png images.
I wonder why I don't see this behaviour locally. If I type a url in
writer or impress and then put my mouse over it I get the same hand as I
see in gimp, etc.

The only time I see the other hand is if I type anything into draw,
whether its a url or not, i.e. I'm in a mode where clicking and moving
the mouse moves the textbox under it. Is the previous screenshot from
draw ?, and if it is, does clicking spawn off the brower when the cursor
is like that ?

If you type the url in writer and press ctrl with the mouse over it, do
you get the same hand as in gimp ?



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