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Thanks for the patch. The code in that method, sd/source/ui/func/fusnapln.cxx: 
FuSnapLine::DoExecute( SfxRequest& rReq ), is indeed interesting. In theory there are code paths 
through it that lead to a NULL pPV (and pArgs) pointer de-references, as cppcheck correctly 
notices.  (But clearly, assuming that the method gets called at all, those code paths are not 
taken, or it would crash. Or does that happen, maybe that is a rare but possible situation, and 
nobody has reported the crash?)

Anyway, I think that instead of just surrounding a block of code with if (pPV!=NULL), which then no 
doubt means something else breaks, we should use an assertion so that we get a clear error message 
in those (rare) situations where the NULL pointer de-reference would happen. Hmm, except that was 
it so that there is no "standard" way in OOo/LibreOffice to get assertions in a non-debug 
production build? I am totally confused by the DBGUTIL etc stuff.

Do we have some kind of message displaying assertion from which the user can continue? In that case 
we should then of course guard against a NULL de-reference after displaying the message.

I.e., I would ideally display something like "LibreOffice has found itself in a weird situation. It 
is not crashing, but something might be wrong. You can continue your work after pressing OK. Still, 
to be safe, please save your modified documents under new names and quit. Afterwards start 
LibreOffice again, make sure that the saved documents still are correct, and if they are OK do save 
them back as their original names" but I certainly realize that no user would understand what we 
are trying to say...

Or is it our policy too that we should never, ever, display to the user any warning message that 
sounds like admitting we don't know what the code is doing...?



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