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Hi Pierre-André,

On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 23:28 +0100, Pierre-André Jacquod wrote:
Was pretty easy. As you asked, here patch (0001) for making the
StarWriter file format input only

        So sorry for not reviewing these quicker.

        This work looks absolutely lovely; please do push it to master ! :-)

Then, the following patches (0003 - 0008) are for ripping out the code
in binfilter/bf_sw. (this is not finished...)  I do it class by class,
since there are sometimes dependencies, and I like leaving between 2
commits a usable state of the stack.

        Sounds good :-)

 Further, this is easier for me to test that I did not break anyhing
- hope so at least.

        Right; that is useful - I guess before killing export, we should export
a load of test documents into those 'orrible formats so we can continue
to regression test import :-)

Maybe I am too cautious, but I got by me twice a state where I couldn't
read anymore a StarWriter 5.0 file. So  I prefer this approach.

        Sounds really good.

If you give me a Ok, I will push it to master and continue based on this
approch: filter by filter  (and class by class) ripping out, and then
the "generic" binfilter module.

        Please do, and please commit at will there, subject to your careful
regression testing - this is good work [ unless someone has a desparate
urge to review that work ;-].

ps2: actually, some functions are / were defined & called within
binfilter (no call-catcher), but could not be reached any more starting
from the gui-save as trigger. So I wonder if this is a result of the
kind of uno-magical-binding (which I really dislike and not really
understand, or the other way around), or if I missed something.

        Oh - can you give an example ?

        Thanks again,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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