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You mentioned incremental updates. how is this done. does LO have an update menu item that will check an update repository and apply the updates, or is a whole reinstall necessary?
On 01/17/2011 10:33 AM, Michael Meeks wrote:
Hi there,

On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 04:12 -0800, plino wrote:
Michael, please don't regard this as a personal complaint.
        I take all bugs very personally ;-)

I think it's a bad idea to cause grievance to users who are giving it a go.
IMO it will make them stick to OOo...
        So - I think we need to make it clear that our point-zero release, is
exactly that - we will be releasing incremental updates that fix bugs,
and improve things; of course.

Changing this now would be a wiser option.
        If we had a workign fix to ship today, that was well tested - we could
consider it, but the scope for mayhem is quite high with this sort of
change. Better to merge a fix only when we have a good one, and have a
release not for it I think [ though thanks for bringing this to our
attention ].

        Also - it must be the case that StarOffice&  OO.o had the same kind of
co-existance problems in the past (surely) ?

        Anyhow - thanks for helping Jesus test this, and looking forward to
seeing it fixed.

        All the best,



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