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On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Wols Lists <> wrote:
On 28/12/10 12:54, Philipp Weissenbacher wrote:

But I didn't know about that OOo bug. I'll need to learn styles, but yes,
*me* learning styles is totally useless when it's *someone* *else* who's
messed up *their* document (and expects me to fix it for them).

I think that's *exactly* *the* use case: fixing broken formatting.

Actually, no it isn't. It's a very useful use case, when I'm helping other
people ...

But when *I* am creating a document in WordPerfect I nearly always have
reveal codes switched on. I *think* in markup mode, and the whole point of
reveal codes is it is a markup window that shows me what's going on. As has
been said, it keeps me in touch with what formatting is active (is the
cursor *in*side or *out*side the style selection for example :-) I actually
use reveal codes as my main working window, not the wysiwyg one.

At this point, use LaTeX. I mean, If you are evolved enough to be able
to cope with tag, why no use the real thing ? (and add git for a
perfect difference tracking system and multi-user editing)

Oh - and something Word can't do, dunno about Writer ... what on earth do
you do when you have two formatting objects one on top of the other? How do
you "click on the object"? It's easy to get like that with text over/under a
picture or stuff like that, but I said something Word couldn't do ...

Writer suck at it too. I have a set of document that use a big dimmed
logo picture as a 'background' and there are multiple element on top
of it. It is impossible to resize the column of a table. I have to
delete the picture, edit the table and put the picture back.



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