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On Fri Dec 10 2010 11:56:32 GMT-0800 (PST)  Joost Eekhoorn wrote:

Please review if this patch is realy correct and complete.

- 'Rename input box' is only visible when 'Rename check box' is checked.
- Rename is only done when 'Rename check box' is checked and 'Rename input box'
has a string.
- Rename works for copied and moved sheets.
- Rename works when the target is the same document, a new document or a other existing document.
I did not know how test the automation part in source/ui/view/viewfun2.cxx

And check if String() in correct in ExecuteDrop() in sc/source/ui/view/tabcont.cxx
What must I did with move-copy-sheet.xml (on 2 places!).

Must the help be adapted? How/where must that be done?


I can not test the patch but I do want to thank you for doing this. :)



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