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Hi Alexander, *,

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Alexander Thurgood
<> wrote:
I just wanted to touch base with others here as to the requirement for
hunspell in the build environment on MacoSX. Is it absolutely necessary
No. It is even stupid/pointless to use system hunspell, as nobody will
have it installed on Mac.

? I only ask this because OOo uses the MacOS spellchecker AFAIK and has
done for some while. Any comments ?
MacOSX spell checker and hunspell can both be used, so MacOS versions
should continue shipping hunspell. But not system one, but the one
included in the sources.

Similar for the other requirmenets listed: They are just wrong.
You need XCode. You don't need extra autoconf, automake or whatever.

Only if (and *only*) if you build mozilla from source, you need
libIDL, glib2 and gettext in addition (and pkg-config for not having
to specify lots of enviornment variables when building those extra

so ./configure --prefix=/my/seamonkeydepsdir/ && make && make install
for those abovementioned requirements is enough.  (and setting
After building seamonkey, go to the moz dir, run dmake zip, save the
zips from unxmac*pro/zip to a safe place and the next time when
building put the zips into moz/zipped and specify
--disable-build-mozilla on configure. You can remove
/my/seamonkeydepsdir completely.



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