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Lubos Lunak wrote:
On Tuesday 30 of November 2010, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Additionally, I think most classes don't necessarily need detailed
docs for all methods in the first place (which may also hurt later
merging from OOo), but would already benefit from a two-line
"mission statement" at class level (of course plus some module-level
overview of "what's inside").
 I beg to differ. After having years of experience using a nice, intuitive and 
well-documented APIs (Qt,KDE), and being used to that, I sometimes rather 
suffer getting familiar with this codebase. Most APIs are not documented at 
all (or at most poorly, or in German, which is about the same in practice for 
many people). This is futher made worse by some APIs not being very intuitive 
(cryptic abbreviations, unclear naming, obsolete idiosyncracies, duplication, 
basic things being needlessly complicated).

Hi Lubos,

adding documentation for what you describe doesn't help much, if at
all. Core API is reasonably documented, see offapi/udkapi/sal/basegfx.

The most egregious cases of hard-to-grasp methods surely live in the
applications cores, use lots of weird abbreviations - and to
document their behaviour succinctly would prolly require as much
prose as there's code already inside them (i.e. multiple pages).

For me, a cleanly designed class with one and only one task (and a
proper mission statement, maybe - superfluous even for something 
like "String"), does not need much method documentation.
Suitably-chosen method names, especially if they don't take 10
parameters, and only work for exactly 42 combinations of them, are
almost self-documenting.

I simply refuse the notion that adding superficial documentation to
crappy api gets us anywhere - which does not rule out storing
hard-won knowledge of class purpose, inner workings, important pre-
or postconditions at times - and if it makes sense, as method- or
class-level doxygen documentation.

But to really fix the problem you mention, I'm afraid only
large-scale refactoring helps. And wrong documentation surely is 
worse than no documentation.

(sorry for the rant, that struck a chord. Also, I'm clearly with you
that larger parts of vcl & [sv]tools public headers are in dire need
of method-level documentation. I'd even suggest to start there, that
code does not change much)


-- Thorsten

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