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Hi Joseph,

On Mon, 2010-11-22 at 19:18 -0800, Joseph Powers wrote:
While creating the HC Icon set, could you look into the following?
I changed the Windows Only code to match this behavior; however, I don't
have access to a Windows build system so the change is 1) un-tested &
2) theoretically correct. Any testing would be great.
        Cool :-) Hopefullly we'll get our nightly snapshot building working
soon, and the QA guys can have a bang on it.

It should now be save to remove all the HC versions of the icons from
all sets and start packaging the HC set as it's own theme.
        Brilliant :-) I believe we're nearly there on that anyway, but no doubt
some residual cleanup is needed.

PS: I believe I've removed all the code dealing with loading HC version
of Icons. If no-one objects, I'll remove the task from the Easy-Hacks page.
        Wonderful work ! :-) how does it feel ? - I'm thrilled to have had all
that crud removed, and please do hack it out of the wiki [ and add any
other easy tasks you stumbled upon while hacking around here :-]

        Incidentally - we should prolly do some extra work in our backends to
allow the default icon theme to be specified per platform, and made to
match the native theme.

        eg. in vcl/unx/gtk/gdi/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx we setup the color
schemes for gtk+ - but, AFAICS we don't detect the name of the system
theme and adapt to it.

        By looking for the "High Contrast.*" theme names, we could pick a good
default - ditto selecting, "oxygen" or "crystal" or "tango" if the
system theme matches that: I -thought- we used to do that, but ... :-)

        Anyhow - some great work here.

        Thanks !


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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