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Hi Cédric, Gert,

Cédric Bosdonnat wrote (03-11-10 10:26)

Many thanks for your patch, it works nicely but a tiny point refrains me
from pushing it: the hierarchical view is now the default one, which
wasn't the case before.

The problem seems to come from the fact that the 0xFFFF value should be
the ALL filter, but it is used when showing the dialog to check for the
Automatic style.

Do we want the Hierarchical view to be the default one for all apps?
My experience with users is, that they are often overwhelmed by the 
number of available styles.
So Hierarchical as default would not be my choice.
Default is more then enough.

(Now we are at it, in Writer the Default view does not show custom styles... )
Should we enhance the filters values to make it configurable for the
different apps?
You mean that a choice in Calc is independent from a choice in Writer 
etc?  Hmm that already is the case. So I don't yet understand this.

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