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At 9:15am -0400 Mon, 25 Oct 2010, John Lee Castle wrote:
any suggestions on a better code editor than gedit?

Careful!  Lest you start a flame war!  (But we're all friends here.  :-)

I believe almost any *text* editor will suit you, provided you take the time to learn it's strengths and idiosyncrasies. In the *nix world, the two most well known are Vi ("vee-eye") and Emacs ("eee-max"). Emacs is perhaps a little less of a learning curve initially, but Vi is *everywhere*. If you learn the basics of Vi, you'll feel more at home with any number of *nix tools, and can edit a file on /any/ *nix system.

Both Vi and Emacs are decidedly non-Windows editors, however, so they will present a learning curve if you come from an MS world. Relatedly, folks will often expect you to know at least the basics of these editors, and will add little tidbits to a codebase to make working with them on a project a little more streamlined. Either way, Google and patience will be your friends.

Beyond the above, I list a few (FOSS) editors that I have used that I deem "worthy" to pass on. Note that though these editors claim to be flexible, their configurability pales in comparison to what one /can/ do with Vi and Emacs. However, they may also provide a more natural programming environment for your tastes.

- jEdit - Java based editor, that, through plug ins and customization, provides an extremely powerful set up. Works anywhere Java works.

- Gedit - With plugins, can provide a more "native" text editing experience, but is not as customizeable as jEdit. I believe will be strictly Unix, as Gnome's default text editor.

- Kate - KDE's "native" text editor. Rates, in my mind, somewhere between Gedit and jEdit in terms of getting out of my way and being powerful.

- Notepad++ - What Notepad for Windows /could/ have been.

For a project as large as LibreOffice, you may also more appreciate the use of an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Eclipse is often touted to me, as is Geany, and KDevelop.

For more info, Wikipedia and Google will be your friends:

Picking the right programming environment is often a never-ending journey, but certainly not one that someone else can choose for you. For one thing, we all think differently!

Good luck,



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