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Some work to reduce the compiler warnings in binfilter.  Patch is almost
entirely comprised of fixes of initializers and the warning: parameter
'<copyOfMemberName>' shadows a member of 'this'. Also few formats, del of
extraneous comments and unshadowing of local variables.  Generally worked
down from the start of a binfilter build log.  

LibreOffice built all the way, ran writer and I used that to draft a partial
answer to the question of What do I want to do in LibO dev... But really did
not make sure filters still work - know I don't know how to test the filters
and have since learned there is a fair amount of dead code in binfilter ...

Had to manually delete the rawbuild/install target dir to get dev-install to
work - saw what looked like a random failure to delete or clobber old files. 
Could well be a 'user issue' but I think I hear my first LibO interest, the
bi-modal installer::alltooexplicitlynamed:: perl, calling out for

On to word/char counting! 
Blessed Be! 


PS: All my contributions to LibreOffice are made to The Document Foundation
under the LGPL (as TDF chooses to license them).

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