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On Saturday, 13 February 2016 16:12:44 CET Yousuf 'Jay' Philips wrote:
Hi All,

During this week's design meeting, the discussion about changing the
default font in Impress to Source Sans Pro (tdf#97577) was discussed
further and i felt that changing the default font in only one app isnt
good when we are trying to bring more and more consistency between apps
and suggested we change the default in all the apps.

If we change the default font then in all apps, yes. And Source Pro is really 
nice, without prefering it over the other cadidates. 
However I'm in the interoperability camp. Changing font that potentially 
affects existing documents and leads to inconsitencies in competing products 
is not user friedly. Unless we ask for confirmation to update the font. I have 
a dialog in mind that tells the user what's new and asks for confirmation to 
updated options (we had the same issue for the menu configuration that couldn't 
be overridden when individualized).
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