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Hi Regina

Draft Wiki Page created as work in progress


On 7/31/24 10:57, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi all,

Microsoft has for its "Excel table" a feature "structured references". with-excel-tables-f5ed2452-2337-4f71-bed3-c8ae6d2b276e

When opening an xlsx-file, the "Excel table" is converted into a "Database range", see section "Data Ranges" in the Help. database_define.html

LibreOffice can use the "structured references" and they are retained if saving to xlsx-Format. They are converted to ordinary range addresses, when saving to ODF. Feature request for ODF is in bug 162088.

But there exist no help on this feature, see bug 162275.

I want to start a Wiki-page for it. For that I need a term for this kind of addressing parts of a database range. Suggestions? I hesitate to name it "structured references" because a "Excel table" is not the same as our "Database Range", there are some slight differences how they work and because I don't know whether we will get trouble with Microsoft, when we name it the same.

Kind regards,

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00
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