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Hi Regina,

On Wednesday, 2024-07-31 15:57:01 +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:

Suggestions? I hesitate to name it
"structured references" because a "Excel table" is not the same as our
"Database Range", there are some slight differences how they work

Minimal differences maybe, but none that would affect the
references/addressing comes to my head ad-hoc.

I'd still go with Structured References though, because that is what
people would be looking for and it's all over the net. Or maybe Table
References (for which TableRef internally is used in our code), but
that's not as obvious for end users as we don't use the term Table

because I don't know whether we will get trouble with Microsoft, when we
name it the same.

I don't see any indication that the term would be trademarked, but of
course IANAL and I didn't do a research either.


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