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Suppose Alice is working on a formal letter which she intends to send to
scary company Bob Corporation. Charlie is helping Alice draft her
letter, but Charlie has his own history with BobCo, and so does not want
his name to be mentioned on the document in any way.

Now, Alice can tell Bob: "Don't worry, I'll finalize the letter before
sending it so that your name won't appear on it." but Charlie, who is
not a techy person and is not experienced with "track changes" and such,
is not easy with having to rely on her promise that "it will be ok". He
sees his name all over the text: "Charlie wrote:", "Charlie says:" ...
and is scared.


Similar scenario, but now it's a group of collaborators, and Charlie of
them does not trust that everyone will be discreet enough to avoid
sharing a link to the document, with the changes still tracked, with others.

On 25/07/2024 18:54, Heiko Tietze wrote:
On 25.07.24 1:34 PM, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:
* Some collaborators will want to avoid a record of their collaboration
to be kept as part of the document...
Sounds like a Schroedinger's argument. I just don't buy this use case.
The P2P workflow would be the same as of today but synchronously.

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