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Is there a way to get onto this UX design meeting (regarding comments)
in the future?

I have some specific thoughts about comments in calc.

When exporting calc to html, the comments become hover text, which is
good. But I don't want to see anything but the comment itself in hover
text. No authors, no timestamp, or anything else should be there. Just
the comment text by itself.

tangentially talks about it.

IMHO, there should be options available for comments. Such as toggle
on/off showing data other than the comment data itself. Or, toggle
on/off export of comment data types to html/pdf.
And for compliance reasons, some users want docs/sheets to be scrubbed
of all editing history, and that seems like a good toggle option too.

So there is wider discussion in which i would like to participate.

Michael A Hawkins
Stamford, CT 06902 USA
Mobile: 203-550-5502

On Thu, 2024-07-25 at 15:18 +0200, Heiko Tietze wrote:
comments are nothing special (Felix)

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