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Present: Sahil, JJ, John, Eyal, Rafael, Heiko
Comments: Jan, Stuart


 * Autocorrect options are very confusing and difficult to use
   + renaming some options might be beneficial (Jan)
   + Separate the list into two lists, textual replacements/corrections,
     and formatting/structural element (Eyal)
     + everything is formatting and replacement (Heiko)
     + splitting should support the perception (Eyal)
   + Change phrasing, eg "Replace dashes" could become "Replace dash
     sequence with En-Dash or Em-Dash" (Eyal)
     + sure but the function is more complex and requires the
   + distinction would be artificial and orthogonal to the M/T option;
     rather than renaming we could add tooltips (Heiko)
   + tooltips could be a help (Heiko)
     + sounds good (Eyal)
     + requires coding though
   => comment and recommend to not change the list
   => renaming is good; AI Eyal: provide a complete list of better labels

 * Non-corrective Autoformat settings can't just be placed under
   + unclear request (John, Heiko)
     + formatting such as *bold* or apply styles is not really a
       correction (Eyal)
   + no good alternative, maybe "auto correction/formatting"
   + wonder if changing the semantics improve usability (John)
   + camel case label is bad; but familiar to users (Heiko)
   + no apparent issue; all auto-corrections are also formatting too (Heiko)
   => resolve NAB without better alternative

 * Use Noto family fonts as default fonts for all the LibreOffice tools
   + Noto Sans is being used for Impress templates (Stuart)
   + smalls like personal preference; against Google fonts
     in principle (Eyal)
   + rather add metric compatible fonts for latest MSO (John)
   + to open legacy document with the same layout after years is
     our self-identity; which is not the discussion here since
     we would change the fonts for new documents (Heiko)
   + Liberation fonts is our trademark; and it's easy to change;
     not worth the effort (Rafael)
   + a lot of effort to make the QA tests happy (Heiko)
   + such a change should have much more backup (Eyal)
   => WF

 * provide easy UI to automatically apply digital signature when
   storing documents
   + checkbox "[ ] Sign document" at the Save/As dialog;
     clumsy solution but maybe easy to use (Heiko)
   + similar workflow but signing comes before saving (Eyal)
   + alternative is to have a default signature defined in
     tools > options > security and just the option to apply or not;
     needs some interaction to change the default, maybe via the current
     workflow (Eyal)
   => comment

 * It would be nice to have an exclude file type option from Recent Files
   + exclude per module using a string like "csv;xml;tab" (similar
     solution available in IDEs, for example)
   + MRU is a simple and established paradigm; WF (Jan)
   + very specific workflow (Eyal)
   + use CSV a lot and want to see it (Rafael)
   + solve per extension that clears the MRU list on startup (Heiko)
   + better keep the ticket, maybe as easyhack, with low priority (Eyal, Rafael)
   => go for it

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