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The font embedding is an example of a deeper issue:

If LibreOffice is a 'native' ODT editor;
and if you open an ODT in it;
and if you don't effect any changes in that ODT, but just save;
is it legitimate for the resulting ODT to be in any way different than
the original (other than meta-data regarding modification date etc.) ?

On 22/12/2023 9:11, Heiko Tietze wrote:
On 21.12.23 20:05, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:
"LibreOffice unexpectedly and strangely modifies an ODT file without
they user having done anything, and embedding unnecessary fonts nobody
asked it to."

Sounds like another facet of the font embedding. I would treat bug
158588 about what fonts are embedded (CTL/CJK/Lat and used) and handle
the situation of shared documents on another. I haven't tested what
happens when one checks the embed fonts option and shares this document
with another person. Assuming her fonts would also be included,
silently, this is at least a privacy issue.

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