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While the idea of the Notebookbar is exactly this, to provide completely different UIs, I doubt we 
can make Base "a variant of Calc“. But you are very welcome to draft the idea or implement yourself 
(should be possible for everyone who uses mailing lists).

Am 07.02.2019 um 21:26 schrieb Miguel Mayol <>:

I had today a idea i think is a very good one:

One interface option - better if it is the default one - in LO BASE equal to the CALC one

The reason is that people are using EXCEL for databases
because they do not know
because they have the cheaper version of MSO without Access
and because they think it is "easier"

Doing this and a promo viral video that shows that it is 
- as easy as a spreadsheet to insert  and show data 
- and as powerful as a database to deal with it, 
especially addressed to university professors and PhD students, probably would increase a lot the 
use of BASE in substitution of MS Excel for managing databases, and the use of other components 
of LibreOffice.

I went to bugzilla, but I was not able to log in, so sorry, but as I only collaborate with 
suggestions, I did not want this one that I think is great, and probably very easy to implement, 
to pass by.

I remembered an old database named FileMaker that  was very easy to use because it had a 
interface near to what a spreadsheet is.

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