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Hello Miguel,

glad to see happy users. First, if you have enhancement ideas please file a ticket on Bugzilla [1]. 
That's needed for transparency and traceability. 

The suggestion itself sounds to cover a very special use case (that you haven't described), or 
maybe I don't understand it. You want to put all the commands from the classic menu into a single 
dock? You will end up in a very deep hierarchy when using all items! But anyway, you can try per 
Tools > Customize, and eventually it could be an interesting alternative for our Notebookbar 

Thanks for your input, 


On 9/18/18 3:59 PM, Miguel Mayol wrote:
Thanks all for your excellent work.

I would love to be able to configure all the menus in a vertical (or configurable) nested dock 
with smart hide. Similar to material design
This way I would have more space to work my frequent used tools in the first box - icon - and all 
the others in the other boxes - icons, ideograms -
And if they can be configured to be big - big fingers friendly - it can be great even for use in 
the lignux phones and tablets that are going to come as the librem.

I do not know if it is very hard to offer this freedom to configure menus options, but if it is 
not hard to do, please do, and not only to please what I think would improve my workflow, also to 
let lignus distributions to setup their defaults as they think is better or nicer, and be able to 
have different  profiles and or themes to test, switch or even use different ones depending on 
the task.

Thanks again for your work, and in advance if you explore this path of vertical or configurable 
nested menus.

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