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On 08.04.2018 15:20, Regina Henschel wrote:

We plan to keep the layer of the objects, if copy&paste happens on the same page, see

Doubt that an internal object identification by name is a good idea. You have to suppress identical 
naming and on paste you add a number (Foo1). But that's up to development. From the user 
perspective I don't care.
We need advise, what should happen, if an object is copy&pasted into a different page of the same 
document. In the end of the project it will be possible, that pages of a document may have 
different layer-sets. Similar problem isĀ  pasting into a different document. Possible actions e.g.
a) paste all into the active layer
b) paste objects into that layer, which has the same name, and on the active layer in case no 
such layer exists
c) paste objects into that layer, which has the same name, and generate a new layer in case no 
such layer exists.
d) others?

As an example

Page 1
 Layer "Foo"
Page 2
 Default layer

If you copy/move Shape_1 from Layer_Foo to Page 2 it should affect only this object, and Shape_1 is 
placed on the default layer. If the user copy/pastes a group, all objects are taken. And we need a 
separate function for the layer. So copying Layer_Bar into page 2 adds it likewise when creating a 
new layer and pasting just all objects from Layer_Bar. Differently to the ctrl+a,ctrl+c/x 
interaction, I would include all hidden elements too for the layer copy action..


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