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On 10/08/2016 12:04 AM, toki wrote:
Droid Arabic *?
I was under the impression that Google had dropped support of the Droid*
fonts, in favour of NoTo* fonts.

Google renamed them from Droid* to Noto* and added hinting to improve them.

More crucially is how the fonts look:
* When used with Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux;
* Printed out on paper;
* Printed to PDF, and read on a different system;

I plan to test their rendering on Windows and Linux, as those are the systems i have, as well as their print quality. Exporting to PDF will likely depend on LO's export code more than anything else, but i guess also worth checking.

Here is the odt i created on linux from the various arabic fonts, as well as the pdf.



I've forgotten which Arabic font is virtually illegible, when printed to
PDF, even when embedded in the PDF.

If you ever remember which font it is, please let me know as none of the ones i've tried are.



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