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2016-10-07 13:19 GMT-05:00 Yousuf Philips <>:

On 10/07/2016 01:40 PM, Italo Vignoli wrote:

On 07/10/2016 10:41, Heiko Tietze wrote:

 * Drop 'Human' icon theme (Samuel)


Would suggest holding back on 'Human' as some distros still use it (ubuntu
mate, elementary os) and removing 'Oxygen', as i was intending to remove it.

Does elementary OS even include LibreOffice by default? I was under the
impression they loathed our software; they even used it in their HIG as an
example of what "not to do" at some point.

I would say remove both Human and Oxygen, because we can't look to support
every single Linux distro under the sun by ourselves. Linux Mint has a
custom icon theme that's not bundled upstream: if Mint can maintain their
own icon theme, why can't elementary OS do that as well?


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