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Present: Kendy, Samuel, Heiko, Italo

Decision needed

 * Ideas to send out an email with a few topics to discuss before the hangout is welcome
   + please add proposals with easy decisions into this pad (first example is good, second too 
   + avoid zombie tickets waiting for long time at bugzilla (kendy)
       + fresh and painful stuff preferred
 * Single vs. Double click in start center 
( )
   + double click felt unnatural for recent files and was changed therefore (kendy)
   + multi-selection is not needed anymore
   + template _manager_ for advanced stuff (samuel)
   + recommend to go with single click (kendy, samuel) => decision made
   + context menu could be replaced by "inline interactions" that are shown on hover (like delete 
for recent files)
 * Better font selection ( )
   + ideas appreciated, better write a couple of short requests (kendy)
       + as with other bugreports, one bug per request preferred
   + list fonts by similarity opens a huge issue, as a table with font equivalents
     (open vs proprietary, visually similar vs metrically compatible) may easily exceed 600 lines 


 * Feature freeze for 5.3: Nov-21
 * Easyhacks do not require NEEDINFO anymore
 * Annual report needs to get filled (
   + Blog posts, User surveys, UX mentor... (samuel) 
 * Community weeks planned in October: Input from design team will be requested

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