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Hi all,

to make it more predictable what happens at the meetings I want to try planned decisions. While we 
typically discuss issues on the bugtracker, and mostly find a conclusion, we sometimes run into a 
discussion where the final decision is not easy. And I think we should talk about those tickets in 
the weekly hangouts. 

My first choice is:

* Single vs. Double click in start center (tdf#102238)
+ Pro single: Similar to Recent Files, activation of a template should only require a single 
left-click rather than a double-click.
+ Pro double: Lists in general should allow a selection and the activation by double click

* Better font selection (tdf#98817)
Sorting of fonts should be done more intelligent

Looking forward to see you tomorrow,
Dr. Heiko Tietze
UX Designer
Tel. +49 (0)179/1268509

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