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Hi Pedro,

There is a bug report requesting the same thing (tdf#90194) and its possible that Breeze fits well for windows 10 theme, but there are more users on other versions of windows than windows 10, so i wouldnt be in favour of it.

Looking back, i think it was a mistake to move to Breeze on MacOS, especially just after moving to Sifr by default in the previous version after a survey confirmed that half of Mac users were switching to it. Some of the problems I see with Breeze on Mac is that it blends badly with the gradient background of the toolbar, though users who get LO from the appstore dont have this problem as the toolbar is has a white background.

Another problem is that Macs are primarily HiDPI and we dont have SVG icons support in yet.


On 08/01/2016 01:03 PM, Pedro Rosmaninho wrote:
This may be a bit off-topic, but couldn't the Breeze theme become the
default theme in Windows 10?
It fits a lot better with the design language of W10 than Tango (as KDE
usually fits better with Windows than Gnome). And Breeze is already the
default on MacOS...

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