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Hello Sophie,

Am 25.01.2016 um 15:56 schrieb Sophie:
Hi Andreas,
Le 24/01/2016 17:21, Andreas Mantke a écrit :
Hello Heiko,

Am 24.01.2016 um 11:59 schrieb Heiko Tietze:
On Sunday, 24 January 2016 11:42:44 CET Andreas Mantke wrote:
although we cannot force people to test, we need some tests from
possible contributors and not from migration professionals first. We
need to know, if there is nothing wrong in the work flow from a users
perspective and if there are no (minor) bugs.
What specifically do you want to know? I guess you have tested well that 
registration works, if stuff can get uploaded etc. I see some UX confusions 
but those are likely to be solved during the migration. In other words, as a 
non-contributor in this field I feel overwhelmed by the amount of functions.
I tested the add-on myself, but that's not the same as a test with the
eyes and the work flow of a non-developer (of this add-on). Thus I think
fresh and independent eyes would be of great help.

About the UX issues: maybe you could draft a list and we could discuss
and could sort them out. I think that would be a necessary step before
the web-designer starts working.
I went to the site and here is my feedback:
- on the Home page, only English is listed, will the other available
languages be listed here?
- it is said "A place to upload your extensions" but most of the users
will want to download them
- then I clicked on Extensions, there is only one available for the tests?
- Clicking on Danger signs, there is a mix of languages listed at the
top but if you don't read English, there is no way to head here on the
previous pages.
- If there is more that 10 languages, you have to scroll down a long way
before you arrive to the download part, much too long, isn't it possible
to have a direct link to download?
- once clicked on the version to download, another page open, which is
very long for just one extension, you should be able to download from
the top of the previous page.
thanks for your first feedback.

- The different languages will be provided.

- The text is a placeholder and could be extended/edited. Suggestions

- I created only one Extension (copy and paste from the current site) to
provide an example project.

- I copied the current state of the extension from the current site. The
description was a complete copy. If there would be a translation
(different languages of the extension project) the description text
would be shorter (only one language for each).

- It's possible to rearrange the project page to get the direct download
link (the green arrow) more prominent for the user (would be easy
because it's like hacking on HTML structure).

- The versions table is for all versions. The newest version is on top
of that table and the download link is the green arrow.

Here is a first feedback, if you need me to upload an extension, let me
Please try to register an account, create a new project and add an
extension release to the project. I'm curious of your further feedback then.

I should create a Redmine ticket to collect all feedback / tasks I had
to work on.

Kind regards,

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