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On Monday 19 October 2015 15:58:32 K-J LibreOffice wrote:
Hi all,
starting with a discussion on German ml [1] about different sizes on the
dialog box of "Export as PDF" in different UIs (bug 95178 [2]) Thorsten
recognizes that 275 dialog boxes aren't resizable, others are resizable.

Is there any reason why they aren't resizable or can they be switched to
resizable by default?

Confirmation dialogs are never resizable on Windows (although I don''t find a 
guideline for this statement right now [1]). And why should a user want to 
resize the "Export to PDF" dialog? It adds a lot of complexity to the dialog 
since min/max width/height have to be considered carefully, a grid layout 
needs to be added, the properties have to be stored (per 
user/workstation/company?) etc. And imagine the dialog, which either suddenly 
grows in height when the width is being reduced or adds a scrollbar. So I 
would rather turn the question into "Why is xy resizable?" (xy = options, for 
instance; also the inbuilt file dialog is resizable but in this case for good 
reasons). Anyway, good question for the guidelines. :-)


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