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No I've never read the source code, [...] Does that mean I'm excluded from the club?

No, but it means you shouldn't assume it is all beauty and elegance inside.

"A bright yellow rectangle, bordering a graphic of whatever is the current
content" would be my description.

So on the page the "current content" is
empty blackness then?

Isn't the only context where the rectangle has something inside it
when it is the border of a magazine or video cover?

(And in those cases I wouldn't really call that yellow border a logo.
It isn't even always a rectangle, for instance their "Little Kids
Magazine" seems almost square in format.)

Otherwise it is always empty!?

But whatever, I am certainly not a design professional, and I will
leave this discussion to those who are; I just found comparing to
National Geographic fun as their logo actually is, in my eyes, an
empty rectangle. (And it is a *great* logo/brand.)


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