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No I've never read the source code, wouldn't know how to! I'm not a programmer, merely one of many thousands of end users, who happens to be in the business of PC support. Does that mean I'm excluded from the club?

> How would you describe the logo of National Geographic? <

"A bright yellow rectangle, bordering a graphic of whatever is the current content" would be my description.

Best Regards,
        Alistair Bain
Kingswells Computercraft
Aberdeen, Scotland

On 01/11/2012 08:32, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
it is almost as if the wrapper for the product were blank!
National Geographic, [...]

How would you describe the logo of National Geographic? I think "an
empty rectangle, devoid of contents" comes pretty close. And they seem
to be doing fine, and their empty rectangle is instantly recognizable.

deserves a beautiful icon for the main program, which says
something about the elegance and sophistication which lies within.

I guesss you have never read the source code then.


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