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2012/4/28 Alberto Delgado <>

Much better, thanks Mirek!

Is there a way you can put this [1] on a side? it's pretty
cool and it explains the whole point of this.
You could edit it to take out the "donate now" and
"Challenge continues" part.

While it looks great, it just takes away attention from the important
elements on the page. People should be looking at the "Get involved"

What i was thinking was in hosting that outside of the wiki,
make it a tini tiny minisite.

Making it separate from the wiki would have its advantages and
disadvantages. It would allow us to do a lot more things with design, but
it would also make us inconsistent with all the other projects which host
their homepage on the wiki, it would make moving from the design homepage
to the sections hosted on the wiki awkward, and it wouldn't allow everyone
to update its contents (which could be a problem if the people responsible
for it stopped contributing). Not to mention that it would be a ton of
I don't think having it on the wiki is that much of a problem.


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