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I'd prefer to hold off on creating new whiteboards until we take care of
the many we currently have, but since you have started this whiteboard,
we'll keep it.

Ok, ill just make stuff and then propose it when its the paropreat time

A couple of notes, though:
- "Personas" are basically a fictional description of potential users and
the way the feature relates to them. See for more info

Ok so the section that tells how the user uses this part of the app. I can
try to add something. I had forgot about that section.

- Since we're incorporating themes from scratch, we shouldn't restrict the
scope to a theme dialog. If somebody suggests a UI element that better
theme management, then we should accept it.

I'm still confused on whats in scope and what's out of scope, so I wrote
what I thought made since. If it is wrong or needed to change then we will.
I do not care what it is in the end just wanted to show how I think it
should be done. Which is like styles In Gdocs.

- Use the "Definition of terms" section only when certain terms are
unclear, not widely known, or could be interpreted in several ways.
- You don't need the "Tentative design" section when we're not at the
"design taking shape" stage yet.

That's why I left it blank.

I edited the whiteboard accordingly.

I don't care, if you see something that could be better or mest up then
change it. I'll see who did it in the history.


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