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Hi Satchitb (???),

although still in the "LibO conference mode" just a few words concerning
your suggestion before I traveling home tomorrow (and thus being unable
to reply soon).

Am Samstag, den 15.10.2011, 10:20 -0700 schrieb satchitb:
OS: Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric stable
Application: LibreOffice Writer 3.4.3

A user of LibreOffice suffers death-by-menu much like he or she did with
MSWord 2003 or earlier. It is possible to cut down the number of menu

First, thanks for your mail and your proposals - I also think that the
menus should be improved. And I'm happy if we can do that ... since it
involves quite some "costs" (given due to our larger project and the
larger user base), things should be really clear in advance.

Now the point: looking at your "preliminary suggestions", it seems to me
that these are primary personal thoughts. Some functionality you propose
to remove is really used by a larger user base. Some other functionality
is different to what you've stated ... or terminology is incorrect (e.g.
font instead of characters) when looking on the remaining functionality
in Writer.

Thus, my proposal is that you pick few (maybe only one) example and
analyze the pros / cons for changes. We have references to the OOo menu
specifications [1], and the usage data that can be used to derive used /
less used functionality [2]. Finally, you should discuss that changes
with other users / trainers / support providers whether they see any
blockers (e.g. special use cases for business users, document
automation, ...). Finally, we can work out a proposal.

Well, why the "overhead". The change targets the remaining (estimated)
number of users of close to 25 million people - we need to be sure. So,
it would be great if you could join and help us to streamline LibO ...



Here's a few preliminary suggestions for reorganisation while staying within
the same menu design:

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