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Hi Marc, *,

Am Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011, 23:34:03 schrieb Marc Paré:


Looks great and works really well from a user point of view.


1. I was just wondering, when someone submits an extension or template,
they will obviously need to supply an email address or URL. How are
these managed? I don't see any public display of extension/template
author's email or website on the site. Would it make any sense to have
the website URL showing somewhere in the description (if there is one
attached to the extension/template)? This would allow users a way of
communicating with the extension/template author, should users have a
need to speak to them. I do notice that the submitters do need to add
their email address and URL on the submission form.

The author of a extension / template had to provide a mail address. It is currently 
not shown. But there is a comment function available that gives the user a way for 

2. I like the amount of information given to the user as well as the
"Self-Certification" section.

We had to decide, if we should change the categories for certification. We can delete 
the current ones (or some of them) and add new ones.

3. Another question is the "Likes and dislikes" section (top right)
where it says to "log-in". Are your plans are to allow people to
register to the Externsions site in order to place their "Like" or
"Dislike". Is there any other advantage to have people register?
Otherwise, people will wonder why we are collecting names for this.

Yes. But if we find a way that there is no registration necessary we need something 
like captcha to get valuable results.

Nice to have the site to finally start the "official" repository of
extensions/templates. Great work!

Thanks again and good to have your above feedback here.


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