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Hi Alex,

nice to meet you :-)

Am Freitag, den 27.05.2011, 23:43 +0200 schrieb Alexander Wilms:

I'm Alex, a German student. I just found this slideshow (File:2011-02-07 
FOSDEM 2011 Kicking Off Design Team Noack.odp -- The Document Foundation 
) and found it to be looking very professional.
Thanks :-)

The original idea was to have something that can represent LibreOffice
and also The Document Foundation when giving talks and such stuff.
Unfortunately, it still has some drawbacks described on this page:

The original blog posting is here:

Furthermore, it has been created months ago ... and now we do have a new
community logo [1], slightly updated branding [2], a great new motif [3]
- so its already a bit outdated.

Paulo started to work on a template that incorporates some visual
elements from the current LibreOffice icons, but his computer broke ...
and so his network access is quite limited at the moment. Personally and
visually, we miss him :-\

However ...


As there are still some 
templates in Impress which don't look as good, I thought that maybe 
someone could make a new one based on this slideshow. If you would want 
to put it as a default into 3.4.1 I could try to do so.
I don't know whether this heavily branded version should be the default
in Impress, but it could be very useful for the LibreOffice community to
have something streamlined - that works really well. So if you want to
give it a try, please do ... maybe this mail [4] by Nik helps you to get
some understanding concerning the visual language (which is not yet
agreed / documented).


But, there have been several attempts to collect / re-do some of the
currently shipped templates - that (full agreement) do more harm to the
eyes than being helpful. So if you want to jump in here as well, please
go ahead - any help is really appreciated. Link [5] contains a thread
starter ...


A lot of information - sorry if you might now feel a bit overwhelmed.
Just ask if we can answer any of your further questions.


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