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2011/4/27 RGB ES <>:
2011/4/27 Christoph Noack <>:
Hi Ricardo, all!

Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2011, 16:33 +0200 schrieb RGB ES:
2011/4/27 Rafael Rocha Daud <>:
I think the advantage on Ricardo's idea is that you create a header/footer
that comes to existence already filled with some content. It helps to
visualize what you just created and find it for later ammendments and
changes, and, like he said, you get to understand more clearly what a
header/footer is: not a footnote, which is different for each page, but a
consistent and permanent style thing added to that particular page style.

Exactly, that's the idea.
I just briefly scanned the mails this morning and I think someone
already mentioned that pre-filled content is already available when
using templates properly ... so the problem is still who designs such
header / footer, or how can they get added to the ODF?
Who designs the document

So, during the day, I thought about different concepts and I remembered,
that the "Insert - Header/Footer" stuff has been added some time ago,
since people haven't been able to locate where to enable headers/footers
(usability problem). Still, I perceive this menu very unusable ...
+1. A full menu with just one entry that gives you something
completely empty is quite strange, indeed

So, I quickly drafted something being nothing more than an idea ... have
a look, please:

The message: "Be visual, let people add pre-defined snippets quickly."

The core idea: provide pre-defined headers/footers to "fill" the
header/footer by using the functionality we already have. The list may
contain (and should group): styles delivered with LibreOffice, added by
e.g. the company you work for, the header/footer within the current
document, ...
Good! The only problem I can see will be when you click "Edit page
style": with the current design there is nothing you can do from the
page style to decide the style of the header/footer, so your idea
needs to be complemented with mine. The union make the force! ;)


A second iteration for the original proposal (sorry for the low quality image):
It takes Christoph idea for menus and merge it with the style editor dialogue.
So the idea is that when you click the Header/Footer content button, a
menu opens with some predefined contents and a call for the full
"content editor". There is no need for the full editor to be detached
from the main menu, in the picture it is separated just to present its
functionality. Also, the available tools for the editor were chosen
almost randomly, some thought must be put there.


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