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For heading styles you can press control 1 for a level 1 heading, control-2 for a level 2 heading, etc. You can do this for heading levels up to 5.
When you read the line of text with the new heading JAWS will verify 
your change by announcing the heading level before the line of text, 
just as it does for Web pages. As an example, if the line of text 
contains a level 1 heading and contains the text "hello" you would hear, 
"heading level 1, hello."
For some reason pressing insert-F to speak the font and formatting 
dialog does not correctly identify the correct heading level. I will 
alert Vispero about this bug.
Opening and saving documents is similar to other text editors. Ctrl-O 
can be used to open files, ctrl-S for saving, etc. Let me know if you 
need specific help with this.

David Goldfield,
Blindness Assistive Technology Specialist
JAWS Certified, 2019

On 9/21/2020 1:50 PM, chantal hampson wrote:
Hi all,
I am a new member of the list so sorry if these Topics have been covered previously.
I am totally blind and use the Jaws Screen Reader now I am aware that Libre office works with NVDA 
but doesreg it work with Jaws.
I have been on the accessibility page but it didn't mention Jaws anywhere if it does work has 
anyone got any tutorials they could recommend to get me started I just want to open word docx files 
in writer, add text and then save them on my pen drive.
I would also need to quickly insert heading styles in my docs file using writer is there a quick 
easy alternative then f6 to get to the format tooll bar as this is one of the features I will use 
on a regular basis.
Many thanks for  all your help in advance
Kind regards
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