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Hi Jean-Philippe,

Sorry for top posting, but just to let you know that I've contacted the
UX/Design team about your mail and will follow-up on this.
Best would be that we fill bug on each regression you found on master,
but I'll come back to you about this once I've an overview of who will
deal with them.
Le 21/03/2016 14:10, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe a écrit :

I just want to report that LO a11y is regressing more and more between
each new release. The latest usable on Linux was 4.2.6. After known
regressions in 4.3, things go down. I now test 5.1.1, and now it's
really hard. 1st in Writer, access to format and style bar becomes (ery
difficult with keyboard. Next, tables are still nearly impossible to be
browsed properly. Bullets are not spoken at all and don't appear.

In Calc, strong lag at filling cells, even in little tables. Weird
characters in braille which fill the cells and hide the proper text.
Some cells are not read, interface is not accessible. Well... I can
report bugs, but I'm worry. A11y tends not to be considered at all in
developments by anyone.

To make Writer accessible, work is estimated for 4 months, 60000 euros,
with 1 certificated LO dev + screen reader expert. While I'm thinking of
how to finance this, LO should at least be aware of the problem to set a
policy in order to avoid future regressions. Noawadays, LO is broken, on
Linux as on Windows, while Linux had advance.

Well, I wanted to report the problem. If I can help in some thoughts
(non-reg test, review to fix situation, etc), LO should work actively
with Igalia and Collabora to fix things. Otherwise, we can imagine a
come back on Office at work for impaired people. At least, please alert
all devs of this bad tendance.


Sophie Gautier
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Co-founder - Release coordinator
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