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My hunch is that this issue is likely not new with the latest 4.1.2 release but I wanted to report 
it anyway to see if others could duplicate this.
Here's my setup.  This is a windows 7, 32-bit machine using NVDA 2013.2, which is the current 
If I open a file in Writer, I am usually able to move through the document with arrow keys and 
perform standard editing commands with appropriate accessibility feedback.  Sometimes, when the 
file is first opened I might have to press alt a couple of times to move focus to the menu bar and 
back to the document, as I occasionally don't seem to get feedback when I open a document but this 
is something I can work around.
Here is the real problem that I am seeing, or should I say hearing.  If I use the page-up or 
page-down keys to move through the document screen by screen, accessibility seems to be gone and I 
can't use arrow keys to track where I am, as I receive little or no feedback.  This also happens if 
I hold the down arrow key down for a while, forcing the cursor to scroll through the document.
However, if I press control-end or control-home to go to the bottom or top of the document, 
accessibility returns and I am able to track my progress in the document.
Interestingly, I don't see this happening with OpenOffice 4.0.  With their version of writer, 
pressing page-up or page-down reads the first line of the new screen, as you would expect.

David Goldfield
Computer Technology Instructor
919 Walnut Street
4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA  19107

215-627-0600 ext 3277
FAX:  215-922-0692<><>

Serving Philadelphia's and the nation's blind and visually impaired population since 1874.<><>

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