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Hallo zusammen,
zur Info und Nutzung für alle,
vielleicht finden sich ja auch hier ein paar Leute, das zu übersetzen. Wobei es mir in erster Linie darum geht, dass Ihr wisst, dass es ein solches Buch gibt.

Am 01.04.2016 um 19:15 schrieb Jean Weber:
Bruce Byfield has written a book that explains the importance of using
styles and templates in order to use LibreOffice with the most convenience
and the least effort. It also explains the basics of modern design (font
choice, page layout, etc) and how to apply them in LibreOffice. It's
available to download free as a PDF or a zip file of the source ODTs) or
to buy as a printed copy.

Although this book is not part of the official LO user guides, it was
edited by Jean Hollis Weber and published by the same group (Friends of
Open Document) that publishes the printed copies of the user guides.

The book is licensed CC-BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution
Share-Alike). We encourage people to translate it into other languages.


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