Hej alle,
Til orientering, så er afstemningen oom årets konference afsluttet.
Resultatet kan ses her.
Konklusionen er, at det endnu en gang bliver Italien, nærmere bestemt
-------- Oprindelig meddelelse --------
Subject: [tdf-discuss] [ANN] LibreOffice 2013 conference poll final result
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2013 22:56:21 +0100
From: Thorsten Behrens <thb@documentfoundation.org>
To: discuss@documentfoundation.org
CC: TDF Board Discussion <board-discuss@documentfoundation.org>
Dear community,
the poll results for the LibreOffice 2013 conference, after the board
did not receive any objections, are now final:
You can review the full ballot here:
The detailed result is:
Milano, Italy: 59
Montreal, Canada: 32
Abstain: 3
Non-voters: 50
Eligible voters: 144
The board wants to express its gratitude to both applicants' teams for
their excellent proposals. We congratulate Milano for having won this
year's LibreOffice Conference Poll, look forward to Montreal possibly
running again for 2014, and hope to meet many of you in Milano at the
conference venue somewhat later this year!
With kind regards,
-- Thorsten Behrens, on behalf of the board
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