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On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster
<> wrote:
After a major stretch of time in and out of the hospital and bed-ridden for
the rest of the time, I am starting to get ready to re-start making
LibreOffice DVD ISO files for download.  It has been months since I have
been able to sit at this desktop for more than a few minutes at a time.
Hi Tim,

It's great to hear from you and great to hear that you're "back in the
saddle," as it were! It's a bit early for beer, but I'll drink this
glass of water to your health!

I need to get your input on what version[s] I should start with first.  I
hope to start the work the first week in July.
Any advice on what version I should download the 90+ files [install and
help/language packs] start with for the  English DVD ISO file that I will
make to be downloaded from my Source Forge account?
Let's see... 5.0 is coming out at the end of July:

About a month earlier, 4.4.4 is releasing in the 2nd half of June:

I'd guess that 4.4.4 would probably be your best bet for packaging,
but I'd suggest that you keep your eye on 5.0. As the first in the
release series *and* with a major version bump, it's quite possible
that there may be a few rough edges, but OTOH, it's going to have a
bunch of new improvements (and we all know how much users say they
want shiny new things ;-)


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
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