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I am working on a new brochure for LibreOffice.  Since the new web page

has a "half-circle" logo design, I decided to include a similar design on

Since it shows "The Document Foundation" under the "LibreOffice logo",

has to pass the "branding" issues.

This brochure started out with text from an older brochure that was

on the wiki page[s], but was updated some with the new design that is
reflected in the new front page of the web site.  There may still be some
work to do, but I thought I would let everyone see what it looks like and
it can go from there.

In the paragraph that describes "Draw", there is a max. page size

listing.  It originally listed "300cm by 300cm".  I made a version that
shows that size in inches.  Draw would not let me go above 118.11 inches,
so I just listed "118 by 118 inches".

Both versions of the brochure is in 8.5" by 11" letter size, but I could

make it in A4 size if you wish.

Please let me know what you think.  The last brochure I was using was

made in the Spring/Summer or 2011.  It was time for an update.

particularly would use the half circle to the cover and pages intern
use LibreOffice logo but as a monochromatic watermark, maybe light grey

I decided to use that "half-circle" logo on top of all 6 panels for
continuity.   To me it looks better that way over without it.

The watermark, would it be used on the top, like I am using now, or be
floating behind the text in the center of these pages with the text over
top of it?

I do not do much with the "watermark option" but I have been known to
take an image and "thin and lighten" it to the point where it is looking
like a watermark and then use that image as a background one.  I tend to
make them so that they print out fine, but do not show up when scanned or
copied.  It has been well over a year since I made on like that, but I
started making them before I knew about a "watermark option" the system[s]
I was using before LO.

What about using inkscape to play with colors and then add to the brochure?

Escuelas Libres :: Porque la educación es mucho mejor cuando es libre
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