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Would it be "better" if we had labels for the different lines?

I made ones of 3.3.3 and 3.4.1.

Could we have labels with 3.3.x and 3.4.x on them somewhere?
Using the "x" would might be better than using the exact number as a generic label. But it might be a good idea to have labels for each version that the DVD will be using.

Would you like the ones I am using?  Here are the links to them.

I use the version number over the top of the name.
That has the most empty space to use.

On 07/22/2011 10:50 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:
Last post to this thread - so what the heck, let's get crazy and top

I changed the en page from duplicate content of the na-dvd page to a
place for the label/cover artwork, I mentioned doing this in an earlier
email. So here is the fist take on that:

That's it for tonight I think..


On Fri, 2011-07-22 at 16:34 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:
On Thu, 2011-07-21 at 21:12 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:
On Thu, 2011-07-21 at 16:26 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:

I was working on some of the pages last night, but did not publish till
just now, after a little more fix-up.

Made the following changes:

Cleaned up the HTML (removed tables, etc) in all fo the Module pages:

There are a few small issues with formating, mostly the first line on
one or two of those pages.

Un-Published the 'Extensions' page and split this into two pages:
(I've all but re-written this page, so all the hard coded fomratting is
gone, no more double breaks for paragraph ends, etc - the CMS editor now
likes this page.
Removed the outer table and hard code formatting.

Any of those pages are good to go for review - also, the CMS GUI editor
should allow anyone to edit these pages now without complaining or doing
odd things now.

Also republished the page
(removed the outer table wrapper, touched some formating)
Alright - cleaned up the Extras page also

(Still one small format issue there, but fixed in the draft copy now,
otherwise there is a few missing files for links, fixed as soon as I can
upload them to the server)

so any review on that page is also good.


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