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On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 11:32 -0700, C. Olofson wrote:


[Just finished a "mumble" call with Carl Symon.  Technically, the convo 
went well, other than Carl had issues with an echo - Marc, didn't you 
have an issue similar to this?  Was there a solution?]

This email is generally an 'fyi' addressing cloud computing and how it 
relates to LibreOffice's future.  To start, the deftest description I've 
found of the relative strategies (or positions) of Google, Apple and 
Microsoft with respect to cloud computing is the article by 
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry for Business Insider:
To Google, the point of cloud computing is to replace desktop software 
with the web.

For Apple, cloud computing doesn't replace software, it augments it.

That also happens to be what Microsoft has been saying (but not really 
doing) about cloud computing forever.

Now, back to LibreOffice.  So far, it looks like TDF & LibO are 
responding in 3 ways to leverage cloud services.  The first is already 
out there as "the cloud story" so we should be conversant in it.  The 
second is a low-hanging fruit which might be publicized better.  (I 
emailed the developer and asked him to post his extension at LibO).  The 
third looks to be the longer-term response.  Make sure to watch the 
video.  It's devoid of technical details but it gets the concept 
across.  (And I'd like to know who in our group can do videos like this!)


1) Treat the existing Cloud services like a flash drive:
LibreOffice Portable runs right from a USB flash drive or cloud drive...

2) Leverage extension developers:
ooo2gd: Export your documents to Google Docs, Zoho and WebDAV servers 

3) Steer towards an open Cloud solution:
The Unhosted project has been invited by The Document Foundation (the 
organization that published LibreOffice) to propose a solution for 
this problem. In response, we drafted our vision in this nice motion 

I agree there is a need for cloud integration for those who wish to rely
on the cloud. Personally, I see this as a periodic oscillation between
centralized computing versus decentralized computing. Both are necessary
but I believe much the Cloud chatter is marketing hype and overselling
the overall capabilities of the cloud. 

I often wonder about those who have erratic or low speed Internet access
whether they will truly benefit from the cloud. 

If there are any connection problems using the cloud can quickly become
problematic. I work from home with high speed access and regularly log
on to a server that has erratic connections. Needless, I do the minimum
I can on the server and work off my desktop.

Jay Lozier

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