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Le 2011-06-09 14:24, Marc Paré a écrit :
Hi everyone

Thank you everyone who were at the last meeting. If you could not make
it to the last meeting, feel free to review the minutes of the last
meeting which are on the wiki[1]. If you were part of the meeting please
review the minutes as well as the "action items" that were agreed upon[1].

I have added the "must review" items on the wiki, but feel free to add
any items that you feel should be taken up during the meeting. Please
take into consideration that we are trying to keep to the 1 hour limit.

It would be great to get someone from the Mexican membership to
participate in the meeting to complete the whole of the NA membership
representation. Let us know if there are any issues with having Mexican
representation on this meeting and we will see if we can address these
issues as a group.

Reminder: During the 1st NA Community meeting, we had agreed in
principle to meet every 2nd Monday of each month, as you can see the
next meeting is set for Monday, June 13. I've created a Doodle[2] for
that day, please take the time to vote for a convenient time.

I will close the Doodle as of Saturday 12 midnight NY time and post the
most convenient time (in NY TIME) on this list.

Many thanks for your participation.



NOTE: This meeting is open to all TDF/LibreOffice members. Please keep
in mind that as it is for the NA Community.



Hi Carl and Drew and Jay and any others who wish to attend.

Let's call the meeting[1] at NY time 7pm (19:00hrs).

Carl, if you were inputting Drew's choices, I think Doodle[2] will only allow 1 entry per IP.
See you then at 7pm.



NOTE: This meeting is open to all TDF/LibreOffice members. Please keep in mind that as it is for the NA Community issues.

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