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On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 6:05 AM, drew <> wrote:

Just thinking that there hasn't much information on LFNW, coming up next

Any news from the great North West area?



Dona, Andy and I have been pulling things together. Things look good
so far. Andy rounded up some printed materials and t-shirts for booth
staff. It's too early to get into specifics much beyond LibreOffice
having a presence in the exhibit; student volunteers were assigned
just yesterday (4/20) and there has not been an opportunity for much
scheming. Maybe videos (following your lead, Drew), airplane
contest...Dona and the volunteer team will be working out these

LibreOffice will be one of the prime demos in the Tutorium

This is the 12th LFNW and the largest ever. It's truly open.
Registration optional. No admission. Hard attendance count is not
available ahead of time, and is a reasonably good guess after the

A big party/gathering/job fair has been added Friday evening before
the Fest ( Saturday and Sunday are loaded
with presentation goodies

Free admission after party on Saturday with beer provided by; they also have a day-long exhibit "Free (as in
speech) brewing (as in beer)"...brewing with Linux

If you're going to be anywhere on the US West Coast and you're into
F/OSS, Bellingham (and is the place to be.


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