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Alright - well, the first set of dates was for Thur, Fri and Sat - so
I'm not sure why that conflicts with Easter Sunday but - added Thur, Fri
and Saturday for the next week as options also.
Not to drag this out but starting on Maundy Thursday, things kick into 
high gear for a lot of Christians.  I know our parish is hopping leading 
up to Easter.  fyi.

Maundy Thursday (last supper & anointing) last mass of the Biblical cycle
Good Friday "celebrates" death of Christ (we wait)
Holy Saturday (at dusk, the first mass, Gloria & unveiling) first mass 
of cycle

Thanks - well the next weekend is available then - I see that Andy
already added his available times for that next weekend, so hopefully
that will work for more people.

Best wishes,


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