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On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 10:00 -0700, Jeff Chimene wrote: 
it's not clear to me that dead-tree documentation provides sufficient
value to justify the cost. Perhaps it's better to put it online via the
CMS, and link to it on the DVD.

Maybe we use the pamphlet to describe the installation instructions?
Maybe a blurb about The Foundation, the NA-DVD Community or how to get

Howdy Jeff, Russ, et al

OK - grab this file then:

A very rough blocking into sections.

Any volunteers to take one or more sections:

* How To Use this disc
* Who is the Document Foundation - What is Libreoffice and FOSS/ODF
* Who is the NA Community
* Abbreviated inventory of what is on the disk – copyright notices, etc.

For the sections the best is just plain text - and one person can handle
the layout I think.

So what do you think?


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